EurOpen 2018


Stuttgart, Germany
Airport: STR
Rail&Fly main train station (e.g. from FRA): ZWS

 Debate details:

  • WSDC format (3 vs 3)
  • 8 prelim rounds
  • OF, QF, SF, GF

Tournamnt dates:

8-14 NOV 2018 (six nights, seven days)

Arrival day: 8th NOV 2018
Departure Day: 14th NOV 2018

First item is the Judges briefing in the morning of 9th NOV at ca. 09.00
Last item is the Grand Final and Cultural Evening on the evening of 13th NOV until ca. 22.00


Miha Andrič (SLN)
Jana Gilke (GER)
Lisa Schallenberg (NED)


Aljoša Polšak (SLN)
EurOpen 2018 will be power-paired

Standard fee  & payment:          

€220, includes all six nights, meals and socials (no increase since last year), see more details below

Please find all fee categories and payment procedure in this document


Available for n+1 and n+2 judges who require accommodation (n=number of teams on delegation)

Team cap:              

30 intl. teams, 10 DSG teams – Please limit to two teams per delegation, three only as exceptions. Unclaimed slots will be filled with international/DSG teams respectively.



© 2020 Debating Society Germany e.V.